Friday, August 20, 2010

Why do some pimples hurt?

Like yesterday I felt this unmistakable aching on the area of my chin. I waited until lunch to look in the bathroom mirror.

Once again, i was cursed with a fast appearing pimple.

It was one of those subcutaneous domes without a visible head and no discoloration of skin.

Leaning forward towards the mirror I took it firmly between the tips of my opposing fingers and squeezed, sending waves of pain through my face.

I was rewarded with an audible PPLLLlllllllllpp and a spray of white-ish cheesy looking crud that splattered the mirror.

I rearranged my grip and squeezed again to empty it and the filth that it produced changed into a gray, more fluid product mixed with blood.

Although it hurt to pop, the relief from the soreness that it had caused was worth it.

Why do these pimples hurt so much? Why is some of the pus firm and some of it fluid?

Should I have cleaned the mirror off before I left?

Why do some pimples hurt?
EWWWWWWWW! You left the crap on the mirror?!! That's nasty and rude. But I totally know what you are talking about. I hate those kinds.........
Reply:Pimples are lesions that occur when the skin’s pores are obstructed or infected.A few may be more painful that others due to infection.Helpful solutions for pimples at


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