Friday, August 20, 2010

Mysterious lump under my boyfriends skin?

My boyfriend has discovered a small lump just behind his nipple. It does not move and it is painful to the touch. It is not sore when not being touched. There is no discoloration around his nipple or anythins geemingly out of the ordinary. It seemed to have just popped up out of nmowhere. He, as am I are a tiny bit worried, as I've heard of male's getting breast cancer. But he is 19 and I 18. He works out 4 days a week and weightlifts and is good shape. Should he get this checked out? Or are we over reacting?

Mysterious lump under my boyfriends skin?
You have received some good advice here the most important being go to his doctor asap. In all likelihood he has a benign cyst that may have to be drained if it continues to grow, but in many cases they will disappear on their own. However, they have a tendency to reoccur so go to a doctor and have it checked out as others have said it will set your minds at rest. Pls come back on after seeing his doctor and let us know how he is making out we are all pulling for you.
Reply:Make sure he gets it checked out! Males can get breast cancer. It doesn't matter how healthy he is, he can still get it. Besides, if it really is nothing, it's better to know that than to worry about it. And, if it is something, it is better to catch it early. Good luck to you and your boyfriend! I know I don't know you, but I know someone who has had breast cancer and my thoughts are with you!
Reply:If you and he are worried this much have him ask his doctor about it. At least it will put both your minds at ease.
Reply:Cancer hits all ages. And all body types. Yes you should get it checked men do get breast cancer,it is more common then people think
Reply:Request a mamogram test :)
Reply:It's probably nothing to worry about. He is 19 lifts weights and is in good shape? Hmmm wouldn't hurt to have him contact me to set up an examination.

china green

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