Friday, August 20, 2010

What type of illness would cause an alcoholic's skin to turn an "ash" color?

A doctor told an old friend that it wasn't his liver. What else would cause such a discoloration? His main drink is voldka, straight up.

What type of illness would cause an alcoholic's skin to turn an "ash" color?
Another doctor might say it IS his liver! Or it could be the kidneys or the renals arteries to the kidneys, or the pancreas.

Sounds like Hyperchromatosis to me.
Reply:Alcohol Poisoning
Reply:Kidney disease. It usually leads to dialysis, which helps sometimes, but not often.
Reply:Not enough sunlight.

Try to get him/her outta the house and do things things that are easily done with beer.
Reply:he is blind
Reply:could be hepatitis or pancreatitis.
Reply:If it isn't his liver, it's probably his kidneys, pancreas, spleen or combination of the entire digestive system.
Reply:if he is a smoker too, it could be respiratory or heart failure, that cause poor pallor in a person.

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