Is there any effective treatment for vitiligo-discoloration of skin? if so can anyone please explain it? Thanks.
Is there any cure for vitiligo?
There doesnt seem to be a cure for vitiligo but there are some treatments out there you could look at. If you are sick and tired of using skin stains, cosmetics, and loads of sun screen, then there are surgical and medical therapies that you could look into. They all don't seem to be an easy road to take and are rather time consuming but trying is the best step towards taking care of Vitiligo.
Here are the medical therapies:
*Topical Steroid Therapy - Steroids may be helpful in returning the color to white patches, particularly if started early in the disease. You apply the cream for 3 months and you should start seeing results. This is by far the simplest and safest treatment.
*Psoralen Photochemotherapy - This comes in pill form and skin cream. You take the pill, apply the cream and sit under a special UV lamp in the doc's office. This method is the most beneficial treatment for vitiligo available in the USA. The down side is that it has some serious side effects and you should really avoid lots of sunlight.
*Oral Psoralen Photochemotherapy - This is for patients with more than 20% affected skin and when the topical therapy doesnt work. For oral PUVA therapy, the patient takes a dose of psoralen by mouth about 2 hours before exposure to the UVA light or sunlight. The doctor adjusts the dose of light until the skin areas being treated become pink. Treatments are usually given two or three times a week, but never 2 days in a row.
*Depigmentation - This is pretty much a "I GIVE UP, YOU CRAZY VITILIGO!!" If you can't beat 'em, join 'em! This just means that you fade the rest of your skin pigment away to match the rest of the already white areas. This is pretty much only for people with over 50% affected skin patches.
Now here are some surgical therapies:
*Skin Grafts - You know what that means. Yup! Cut away at your normal skin toned skin and put it in the area needed. This is expensive, dangerous and you always have to watch out for infections!! GROAN! why can't it every be easy??
*Skin Grafts Using Blisters - VERY INTERESTING METHOD!! In this procedure, the doctor creates blisters on the patient's pigmented skin by using heat, suction, or freezing cold. The tops of the blisters are then cut out and transplanted to a depigmented skin area. Wow, huh? How that even works? I have no idea.
*Tattooing - This one sounds the best out of all of these. You have a rockin cool tat and then mask the Vitiligo!
Good luck and I hope things work out for you!
Reply:Going naked
Talia Berman 01/07/2005
On a map, Mar Bella looks like any of the other beaches adorning Barcelona's waterfront. But, in contrast to the boardwalks of Barceloneta or Bogatell, the entrance to Mar Bella is a relatively secluded sandy path that opens onto a narrow stretch of sand, which widens as it moves away from the city. Only past this point do hundreds of bare tops and bottoms become visible. This is Barcelona's nude beach.
The beach is mostly populated by men, and the occasional women often have male companions. Apart from this demographic glitch, the vibe is no different from that of other beaches in the city: picnics, music, and entrepreneurs shouting, Cerveza, cola, Fanta, agua, fria! The most noticeable thing is not the nudity but the attitude; a complete lack of self-consciousness. There is no sense of overt exhibitionism, and people adopt standard beach postures and pastimes. They fly kites. Play paddle ball. Wade, swim, put on sun block and work on their tans.
In fact, these days naturism (the standard term for the philosophy and practice of public nudity) is common in Spain and downright popular in Catalunya, said Alsina, president of the Club Catala de Naturisme (CCN), a not-for-profit organisation founded in 1977 to promote and defend naturism in Catalunya. They seem to be doing a pretty good job of it: Catalunya has 40 nude beaches, three nude camping sites, and a host of periodic events such as a monthly naturist night at a discotheque in Cornella de Llobregat. "Last June, the first nudist cruise of the Mediterranean departed from the Barcelona harbour."
Things were not always so easy for would-be naturists in Spain. The penal code dating from the Franco era prohibited acts of public indecency, and showing a bare bum to the world was definitely a no-no. When Franco's government began to promote tourism in the late Sixties and Seventies, Spaniards were shocked when female tourists from other European destinations wore bikinis on Spanish beaches. An exception was made for tourists, but Spanish women were not allowed, initially, to follow suit.
These days, however, the Spanish Federation of Naturism (FEN) claims no laws prohibit naturism in any public places, including city streets and plazas. A look at FEN's literature suggests that the police may not agree, however, as the organisation distributes a pamphlet with detailed trilingual instructions explaining how nudists should respond to authorities that try to get them to dress. "In the case of them asking you to get dressed you can refuse but do not shout, threaten or do anything similar," the pamphlet warns. "If they opt to detain you, you must allow them to do so without resistance."
Advice about what to do in such dire situations might seem to imply that authorities do not, even yet, have a totally relaxed attitude toward practitioners of naturism, but practising naturists do not seem at all concerned. In fact, Manel Vilajosana, director of El Templo del Sol, a naturist camping ground in Tarragona, sounded quite positive about the behaviour of the authorities. "They are already very far from the times of repression of the Franco regime," he assured. "The current government has endeavoured to advance and enhance our civil liberties in Spain. The Spanish law is one of the most tolerant in Europe with respect to naturism."
On Mar Bella, nude bather Jordi Corominas, a computer technician, said he never felt discriminated against for going nude, but like the great majority of visitors to the beach he has never tried to test his nudism rights in other public places.
So why are there separate beaches at all? Not all people who swim in bathing suits mind having nudists around. "I don't see a reason why nudists shouldn't be allowed at conventional beaches," said human resources manager, Miriea Morela, who always wears a bathing suit when she goes to the beach. "I don't know why people might be uncomfortable around nudists, or not want their children to see them. I don't understand how people can want to prevent children from seeing people nude. It is hypocritical - children can see violence and blood and guns on television, but they can't see naked bodies?"
The most likely reason for the separation, according to Morela, is for the sake of naturalists. "The nudists might feel uncomfortable being around people wearing clothes."
There isn't one universally agreed-upon definition of 'naturism.' The common thread, of course, involves not wearing any clothes, but parties differ in their choice of emphasis.
FEN links naturism with what it sees as a 'right' to be nude, and one that has been historically repressed much like certain other civil rights. FEN's pamphlet warns naturists that asserting their rights to nudity may be onerous. "It is very hard because you need to be prepared to go through the situation in the same way as the women's libbers had to, to achieve their rights."
Alsina from CCN speaks conceptually of the link between naturism and nature: "Nudity is healthy, comfortable, pleasant, and gives a great sensation of freedom. Naturists maintain that all bodies are beautiful in all their shapes, forms, sizes, colours, and ages. Naturists enjoy nature, and nudity in nature just extends this relationship. Naturism promotes health by its complete contact of the body with natural elements: sun, water, air, and land. To be a naturist is the simplest way to be human."
For El Templo del Sol's Vilajosana, today's naturism is a response to the repression of the past. "At El Templo del Sol, we have discarded the systematic and dogmatic nudism of the past century (and with it the obsession of nudity in every time and place) that today is obsolete. Our motto is, 'Naturissimo: to be nude, if I want, but I will always respect the choices of others.'"
Of course, not all those who go nude call themselves 'naturists.' "I wouldn't consider myself a naturist," said Jodri Corominas. "I don't belong to any clubs or associations or anything like that. I come here [Mar Bella] a few times a month in the summer because I prefer not to wear a swimsuit."
But, it is not always that simple. Of course, public beaches are public, nude or not, so don't hesitate to bare it on Mar Bella, for example. The naturist clubs can be quite exclusive, however. In order to visit El Templo del Sol, which includes swimming pools, access to a public beach, restaurant, bars, supermarket, private shower, spa area, and - oddly for naturists - washing machines and dryers, you have to be a member of a nudist association recognised by the INF. The CCN is recognised by the FEN, which is in turn recognised by the INF, so those with CCN memberships don't give them up easily.
These restrictions are clearly intended to send the message that only dedicated naturists need apply, but the rules and "recommendations" don't end once you've gained entrance to a club. At El Templo del Sol, nudism is allowed everywhere, recommended at the beach, and obligatory in the swimming pools. There is some respite for the squeamish who visit Manel Vilajosana's naturist campground: "Nudity is not obligatory in the service areas (restaurant, supermarket, reception) for obvious reasons of comfort
please read more poems for me and leave me there your comments..
Reply:No, my friend live with that and famous rich people with vitaligo live together with this problem, Sorry. Don't lay own self with miracles medicines.
People with vitiligo can't going naked on sun, them skin is very sensitive.
No there isn't a cure at present, only some treatments.
Reply:Melanin is the pigment of layer lying below the cuticle, which provides colour. The layer has developed to protect or filter the sun-rays enter into the body. Hence it is the barrier between sunlight and inner tissues. As like the other body tissues it is builded by protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, fatty acids etc. It has the capacity to darken and lighten the colour in relation to the level radiation in that temoral region (tropical, temperate, etc.), it has the metaboloic process as like other cells of our body. Vitiligo is hte desease caused by poor nutrition, which led in-sufficient nutrition including vitamins which altered or check the metabolic process of the cells. Vitiligo is a common social and health problem all over the world. In tropical copuntries where the block people are distributed, it creates lots of social problem beause the colour variation is distinguishable from the other parts of the body. In the cold countries it is common and hence they taking sun bath to increase the metabolic activities of the pigments and the cells. Vitiligo is a curable health problem, but it will take few months time. What I told were science. How the problem will be solved?
Take melanocil (tablet), one or two based on your body weight during morning and afternoon. After 20 minutes, you show the vitiligo patch to the sun light and heat it in the sunlight, which induce the cell and slowly cover the hole area, it take few months. Spme oilments are there it may create blister in the body, hence you mixed it with some other buffer oinments (no cosmetic creams) and show to the sun light, it develops melanin pigment in the area more than raw tablets. You can use UV lamp instead of sunlight. Eat vitamin A tablets, inject vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin K, use natural food to support the treatment (goat liver, carrot etc). Take worm tablets such wormiban(monthly once night time), because in most cases mal nutrition has caused by worms in the intestine. Avoid the food containing tomato. It is a very common and simple curable problem, based on the size, age and location, I could estimate the curable time. Since it is a common to 5% of total population of the world you contact any skin specialists and act as per their directions. If you need further clarifications and counciling, I recomend you to contact me at
Reply:Current treatment options for vitiligo include medical, surgical, and other treatments. Most treatments are aimed at restoring color to the white patches of skin.
Medical treatments include:
Medicines (such as steroid creams) that you put on the skin
Medicines that you take by mouth
A treatment that uses medicine plus ultraviolet A (UVA) light (PUVA)
Removing the color from other areas so they match the white patches.
Surgical treatments include:
Skin grafts from a person's own tissues. The doctor takes skin from one area of a patient's body and attaches it to another area. This is sometimes used for people with small patches of vitiligo.
Tattooing small areas of skin.
Reply:Vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder. It means that the defense cells in your body start regarding the colour producing cell (melanocytes) as foreign and start destrying it. The cause is not known. Therefore there is no effective cure for vitiligo. Yes it can be treated. But it can relapse anytime inspite of effective treatment.
Treatment could either be medical, surgical, camouflage
Medical line includes steroids either oral or for applications, some immune reponse modifying drugs, Psoralens and UVA therapy, UVB therapy, Excimer laser.
Surgical line includes punch grafting, split thickness grafting or melanocyte transfer.
Camoflaging with powders and creams which blend with the surrounding skin colour. Earlier tattooing was an option for treatment of vitiligo. But its not done these days as the colour changes and looks really ugly and fake.
You could meet your dermatologist and discuss the options for you.
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