I work in downtown Chicago and meet alot of people everyday. I see many people, including african americans and I notice that there seems to be a significant amount of black men that have skin conditions on the back of their heads, mostly above the neck area. It is either a discoloration, boils, scarring, or lesions. Is there a reason I see this alot with african american men and not in other races?
im not racist; this is a legitamate question. i never see it so much with other races. Im just curious.
Why are african american men often suseptible to skin conditions on the back of their heads?
The skin condition that you concern yourself with has to do a combination of a few things amongst African American men. The first one is the way that they get their hair cut. It is usually cut very close to the skin. The type of oil that they put in their hair to make it manageable. The grade and texture of the hair and finally dirt and sweat. Now combine all of this together and this what you have. Most African American males use some type of oil in their hair to make it look nice. What this also does in the process is close the pores on the scalp and around the neck area so now the scalp can not breathe and some of the hair follicles are now trapped under the skin. The next process is the cutting of the hair. This will make the hair curl under the skin causing the small bumps which you generally see. There is also the outside factor that the barber's clippers may not be at their cleanest. If a man was to place a hot rag on that area to open the pores and not get his hair cut so short and change the oil that he uses. He will see that his neck start to look better. He can also use some rubbing alcohol to help dry up the oil which is trapped under his skin.
Reply:Its because of the difference in their skin oils. And perspiration tends to build up on the back of the neck. The reason you see it more offend on African American men is because they usually keep their head shaved or cut real short unlike most other races that don't. Plus its also possible that they get razor burn from shaving there.
Reply:The boils and lesions and scarring are from folliculitis, which is an infection in the hair follicle, usually due to moisture getting trapped. Its very common in African Americans because of the courseness of their hair.
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