Thursday, July 22, 2010

Mysterious dark spots on my skin (please read)?

i have these dark spots on my back. kinda look like bruises and other ones just look know like on some peoples faces they have discoloration from pimples. well thats what it looks like but a little bit bigger in size.

I saw it about 3 months for the first time in the mirror. I thought they were bruises . ( from one of my drunken nights hahahaha)

But they are still there. They don't hurt at all when i touch them. they are just dark spots on my back. in different areas on my back and they all have different shapes and sizes.

im just hopping its not skin cancer or something. but it's just wierd and scary at the same time. im going to see the doctor tomorrow and hopefully gets some answers.

Im a bit scared.

Do any of you possibly know what this could be??? or had this problem occur...

Mysterious dark spots on my skin (please read)?
Sometimes hormones can cause dark discolorations - all of my sisters have them in different areas. I have it on the side of my neck. My youngest sister has it on her forehead, my oldest sister has it on her upper lip (looks like a mustache) she is NOT pleased. Now these are not really dark spots we are caucasion and they just look like a little darker tanned area. My oldest sister was told a long time ago that her birth control pills may have contributed to it but we are all off birth control pills now and still have them. Ask you doctor.
Reply:I highly doubt this is cancer. Most likely its just moles or skin markings. I wouldn't worry about it but if it bothers you to look at them then see about having them removed.
Reply:Here are some short details of some bad, some not so bad and some harmless markings.

Melanoma – Highly dangerous. (Superficial spreading) Appears as a new spot, or an existing spot, freckle or mole that changes colour, size or shape. Usually has an irregular or smudgy outline. May be blotchy and more than one colour; brown, black, blue, red or grey.Grows over weeks to months, anywhere on the body.

Melanoma – Nodular – A highly dangerous form of melanoma. Can appear as a small, round lump on the skin. May be black or brown, pink or red in colour (resembling a blood blister). Can feel firm to the touch and, if neglected, will begin to bleed and crust. Grows quickly and can be life threatening if not detected and removed promptly. The lesion may be deeper, and so more dangerous, than appears on the surface.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma – not as dangerous as melanoma, but will spread if not treated. A thickened red, scaly spot. Later it may bleed easily or ulcerate. Appears on sites most often exposed to the sun. Grows over some months.

Basal Cell Carcinoma – Most common and least dangerous skin cancer. Appears as a lump or scaling area. Red, pale or pearly in colour. As it grows it may become ulcerated like an unhealing sore or one that heals then breaks down again. Grows slowly, usually on the head, neck and upper torso.

Displastic Naevi - Not skin cancer, but a warning that you may be more prone to melanoma. Often flat, fairly large moles which share some of the features of early melanoma. Characterised by irregular borders and uneven colour with multiple shades of brown and sometimes pink.

Solar Keratosis - Not a skin cancer but a warning that you are prone to developing skin cancer. Characterised by red, flattish, scaling areas which may sting if scratched. Sunspots appear on sun exposed skin in the over 40 age group. There are also Freckles and Moles and Seborrhoeic Keratosis – all of which come under the ‘harmless’ heading.

As you state that you are soon to visit your doctor, I will not expand on those I have mentioned.

Hope this helps

Matador 89

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